Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Algebra and a Research Project

These past two days in Math we are introducing a new chapter on Algebra. We have learned that letters can represent unknown values in expressions. We can plug in a value to evaluate the algebraic expression. We also worked on converting real-world problems with unknowns into algebraic expressions.

In Reading we are starting to collect information for our research projects. We need to collect 50 facts, quotes, summaries from our research and put them on "cards" or "notes".
Here are the project details:
Grade 5 Research Project

Due December 18th, 2014

Name: ________________________________________

Big Idea: Write a 5 paragraph research project on the topic of your choice.

  1. Choose Topic:  __________________________ November 28
  2. Choose 3 subtopics (December 2)
    1. _________________________
    2. __________________________
    3. __________________________
  3. Read articles and books about topic collecting 50 cards from at least 3 sources (quotes and summaries) (December 9)
    1. At least 10 for each subtopic
    2. At least 10 quotes
  4. Make Outline (Dec 11) for 5 paragraphs
  5. Rough Draft with bibliography (Dec 15)
  6. Final Draft (Dec 18)

  1. Deadlines met (_________/ 30  )
  2. Organization (_________ / 30)
  3. Grammar/Spelling ( _______/ 30)
  4. Creativity (_____/ 10)

Final grade:   ________   /  100

In Science today we shared our projects that we have been working on. We will have a photography lab next week!

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