Thursday, October 30, 2014
Compiti per venerdì 7 novembre
Analizzare le due frasi sul quaderno, completare le fotocopie e gli esercizi sul libro di grammatica a pagina 63.
Venerdì ci sarà un test!
Problem of the Day 37
Jane had 3/4 as much money as Kerrie. After spending €203, Jane had 1/6 as much money as Kerrie. How much money did Kerrie have?
Have a great rest!
In Math we continued to work on our fractions review. If you have not finished it, make sure it is ready for Tuesday.
In Reading we heard reports about 3 of our group books we have read. Great job everybody!
Everybody did a great job at our Halloween party!
In Reading we heard reports about 3 of our group books we have read. Great job everybody!
Everybody did a great job at our Halloween party!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Problem of the Day 36
Reena and Pauline have some bookmarks. If Reena gives Pauline 28 bookmarks, they will have the same number of bookmarks. If Pauline gives Reena 35 bookmarks, she will have 1/3 of what Reena has. How many bookmarks does Reena have?

Fraction Practice
As a class, though we improved on our story problems, we made many simple mistakes on our last test. To master the addition and subtraction of fractions we are working today and tomorrow on a review packet in class based off the problems that each student had on the test. That being said, though we will begin chapter 4 next week, we will have a second test on next Wednesday to see if we have mastered these skills. Work not finished by tomorrow will be homework for the long weekend.
In Reading we talked about how identifying struggle and motivations is a key to understand a character. We started two new books: Remnants:Mayflower Project and Stormbreaker.

In Technology we started our Photo Scavenger project. In Band we worked on one new chord: E. We also looked at a Christmas song to practice for our winter show.
In Reading we talked about how identifying struggle and motivations is a key to understand a character. We started two new books: Remnants:Mayflower Project and Stormbreaker.
In Technology we started our Photo Scavenger project. In Band we worked on one new chord: E. We also looked at a Christmas song to practice for our winter show.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Problem of the Day 35
Mrs. Tan spent 5/8 of her savings on a microwave oven and a refrigerator. Of the amount she spent, 4/7 was used to pay for the refrigerator. The refrigerator cost €280 more than the microwave oven. How much was Mrs. Tan's savings at first?
Sound Waves
In Math we took our test on chapter 3: Adding and Subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. We also had 4 more pass the fraction to decimal speed drills. Good job!
In Science we have received our projects for Trimester 1 on waves. We all received a worksheet about it and it has been posted on the blog. Then we started into our next topic on sound waves using tablets to do research. Did you know a man broke the sound barrier skydiving and created a small sonic boom?!
In Science we have received our projects for Trimester 1 on waves. We all received a worksheet about it and it has been posted on the blog. Then we started into our next topic on sound waves using tablets to do research. Did you know a man broke the sound barrier skydiving and created a small sonic boom?!
Science Project: Wave Projects
Choose one of the projects: Due November 25th
- Make an Instrument:
- You must create an instrument (percussion, string, brass, wind or combination. (60 points)
- ___ Creativity
- ___ Functionality
- ___ Neatness
- You must verbally explain how it works, as well as how pitch and volume work. (30 Points)
- ___ How it works?
- ___ Pitch?
- ___ Volume?
- You must play a short song with your instrument.(10 points)
- Create an experiment using light or waves
- You must create an experiment that works with light (bending/refracting, reflecting, sound waves, resonance, radio waves, other…) (80 points)
- ___ Creativity
- ___ Organization
- ___ Functionality
- ___ Scientific thought
- You must verbally explain your experiment (20 points)
- ___ How it works?
- ___ Why is it important?
- Create a short 2 minute video on any topic about waves.
- ___ Editing
- ___ Scientific Thought
- ___ Explanation of Topic
- ___ Creativity
Monday, October 27, 2014
Problem of the Day 34
Alvin has some marbles in a box. He keeps 1/3 of them and gives the remainder to Joyce and Sean. Joyce gets 5/8 of the remainder. What fraction of the marbles does Sean get?
Chapter 3 Math Test Tomorrow
In Math we prepared for our test tomorrow on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators. Good luck to all!
In Reading we discussed the importance of holding ideas loosely. We want to make predictions and guesses about our characters and plot, but we want to hold them loosely and to be able to change and adapt as we read through our novels. This will be especially important as we read through our new Read Aloud book, Greenglass House by Kate Milford.

In Art we started our new book as we made bags for our Halloween party on Thursday. Don't forget our photography contest is due on Thursday.
In Reading we discussed the importance of holding ideas loosely. We want to make predictions and guesses about our characters and plot, but we want to hold them loosely and to be able to change and adapt as we read through our novels. This will be especially important as we read through our new Read Aloud book, Greenglass House by Kate Milford.
In Art we started our new book as we made bags for our Halloween party on Thursday. Don't forget our photography contest is due on Thursday.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Since this is a short week and I also have a couple of Halloween activities planned, there will be no spelling words this week. The reading groups that just finished "Amber Brown is Feeling Blue " and "Brian's Winter" must finish their projects and present this week. We will also be finishing our last fiction writing assignment which is "thinking deeply about characters" most of the class have finished this assignment.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Problem of the Day 33
In a class where there are as many girls as boys, 2/5 of the boys and 1/2 of the girls went to a fun fair. What fraction of the students in the class did not go to the fun fair?
Get Organized!
In Reading we talked about the importance of "getting organized" when we are reading. When we are confused, often in the middle of the story, it often helps us to organize our thought. We can look through our post-its or our noted and try to organize them to understand difficult plot lines or complex characters.
In Math we continued to look at word problems and fractions. We are making great progress.
Today, we also finished our book Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord.

A few reminders:
1. There is an after school French class that is offered Thursdays. It could be a great option to make your world language choice for middle school to be able to "try out" a new language.
2. We have a Math test on Tuesday.
3. We have our Halloween party on Thursday.
4. Our photography contest entries are due.
In Math we continued to look at word problems and fractions. We are making great progress.
Today, we also finished our book Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord.
A few reminders:
1. There is an after school French class that is offered Thursdays. It could be a great option to make your world language choice for middle school to be able to "try out" a new language.
2. We have a Math test on Tuesday.
3. We have our Halloween party on Thursday.
4. Our photography contest entries are due.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Photography Scavenger Hunt Reminder
Photo Scavenger Hunt!
Kids, send Mr. S a CD or file that includes just one photo that best shows each of the following words or phrases. Be creative! Contest entries must be in by October 30th.
Your Name
Three Feet
Holding On
Beyond Reach
Heading Home
At the Shore
Left Behind
A Closer Look
On Its Own
A New Day
At the Crossroads
Out of Place
Now and Then
Photos will be judged on technique and creativity by a panel of Judges. Each picture should be titled with each word or phrase (ex: Lost.jpeg)
- 1st place: Pizza and a beverage for lunch
- 3 Runner up prizes: A beverage of your choice.
Ella Enchanted
In Math we started a 2 day lesson on solving story or word problems with fractions and mixed numbers. Using a model or dividing can often be methods that will give us success. We also MUST write our answers in a sentence with units.
Our test is on next Tuesday and students should have their workbooks signed tonight.
In Reading we heard from our Ella Enchanted group as they presented their story.

Also our photography contest is due next Thursday...
Our test is on next Tuesday and students should have their workbooks signed tonight.
In Reading we heard from our Ella Enchanted group as they presented their story.

Also our photography contest is due next Thursday...
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Problem of the Day 31
Find the value of:
1/99 +2/99 + 3/99 + ... + 8/99 + 9/99 + 10/99
Answer needs to be in simplest form and in decimal form.
Subtracting mixed numbers
In Reading we finished our work on our book presentations. Tomorrow we will present as groups about what we have read. New books on Friday for Mr. S's groups...
In Math we talked about the most difficult of the fractions topics: Subtracting Mixed numbers. If we don't have to borrow these are easy, but if we need to borrow, we take 1 away from the whole number and add "1" in fraction form to our "upper" fraction. then we can simply subtract. Look at this example if you need help!
One more passed the fractions to decimal quiz and two others only made one careless mistake each. Can you pass by tomorrow? Yes!!
We did not have band or technology today as Ms. Maria our librarian was out on a field trip. We used the time to read!
In Math we talked about the most difficult of the fractions topics: Subtracting Mixed numbers. If we don't have to borrow these are easy, but if we need to borrow, we take 1 away from the whole number and add "1" in fraction form to our "upper" fraction. then we can simply subtract. Look at this example if you need help!
One more passed the fractions to decimal quiz and two others only made one careless mistake each. Can you pass by tomorrow? Yes!!
We did not have band or technology today as Ms. Maria our librarian was out on a field trip. We used the time to read!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
In Reading we talked about how we can ask good questions to help our friends to share about their characters. Probing them to reveal more can be a great tool to help a friend reflect on what he or she is reading.
In Math we added mixed numbers. Here is a video for those who are struggling:
Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators: Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
In Science we moved away from class discussion with a prezi to an Internet project. We talked about waves are the movement of energy with or without a medium. Ask your child what they learned about waves. The types of waves? The parts of a wave?
In Math we added mixed numbers. Here is a video for those who are struggling:
Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators: Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
In Science we moved away from class discussion with a prezi to an Internet project. We talked about waves are the movement of energy with or without a medium. Ask your child what they learned about waves. The types of waves? The parts of a wave?
We are back to homophones this week! This is a frequent problem for all writers and something that we will continue to work on throughout the year.
steak/steak muscle/mussel groan/grown missed/mist allowed/aloud scent/cent bury/berry bear/bare callous/callus gate/gait dense/dents
Monday, October 20, 2014
Problem of the Day 29
Andrew found that 4/5 of his savings is equal to 1/2 of Malik's savings. What fraction of Malik's savings is Andrew's savings?
Fractions to Decimals
In Math this morning we talked about different methods to convert fractions to decimals. The first way is to look for the key fractions that we are memorizing. If that method does not work we should move to trying to make equivalent fractions with a denominator of 10, 10, 1000.... Finally if even that does not work we should use long division with decimals.

In Reading we talked about how a character is treated or talked about can give insight about our character. If Mr. S was picked on as a middle school student by someone, what can we learn about him from that?
In Art we finished our rock projects.
In Reading we talked about how a character is treated or talked about can give insight about our character. If Mr. S was picked on as a middle school student by someone, what can we learn about him from that?
In Art we finished our rock projects.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Math Olympics and then Math again !!
We started off our day with Math olympics. We combined our Math and athletic skills to compete in skip counting relays, shape shifting for geometry, place value toss and then lightning expressions.

Afte the Math Olympics we had a brief lesson on seeing the link between fractions and division. In fact, fractions are division problems. This will help us to use division and remainders to simplify improper fractions into mixed numbers!
Have a nice weekend and don't forget to sign your tests with corrections and your workbook for those who forgot today.

Afte the Math Olympics we had a brief lesson on seeing the link between fractions and division. In fact, fractions are division problems. This will help us to use division and remainders to simplify improper fractions into mixed numbers!
Have a nice weekend and don't forget to sign your tests with corrections and your workbook for those who forgot today.
The entire elementary school participated in the First Annual Math Olympics. Because of this, the weekly spelling test has been postponed until Moday. In case someone forgets to bring home their Spelling notebook, last week's spelling words are.
bring/brought, catch/caught, choose/chose, break/broke, dream/dreamed or dreamt, drive/drove, fight/fought, fly/flew, grow/grew, hold/held, build/built, ring/rang, freeze/froze, lay/laid, pay/paid,
speak/spoke, shut/shut, sleep/slept
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Problem of the Day 28
Lionel has 3/4 as much money as Gary. Gary has 1/3 as much money as Vivian. How many times Lionel's amount of money is Vivian's amount of money?
What we hold dear...
In Math we continued our study of unlike fractions by looking at estimation tricks as well as subtraction. To estimate we need to use the bechmarks of 0, 1/2, and 1. When we find which benchmark is closest we can use those benchmarks to get a rough estimate. Subtraction of unlike fractions is just like adding them except you subtract the numerators instead of adding them.
In Reading we discussed the importance of identifying what is dear to a character to understand what is important to the character. This helps us understand the character and to find what conflict might arise in the plot.
In Reading we discussed the importance of identifying what is dear to a character to understand what is important to the character. This helps us understand the character and to find what conflict might arise in the plot.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Problem of the Day 27
Two ropes, P and Q, are each cut into 3 equal pieces. Each piece cut from rope Q is 2/5 meter longer than each piece cut from rope P. If rope P is 2 meters long, what is the length of rope Q?
I don't like unlike fractions!
In Math today we worked on how to add unlike fractions. We learned to follow these steps.
1) look at the larger of the two denominators
2) Check to find the first multiple of the the larger denominator that is divisible by the smaller denominator (That is the LCD)
3) Find equivalent fractions with the new denominator.
4) Add the numerators and keep the denomator
5) Reduce or change to mixed number if appropriate.
Adding fractions: different denominators: To solve this problem, we need to find the least common multiple to get at the common denominator. Can you help? We bet you can!
We will begin our fractions to decimal speed drills quiz on Friday.
In Technology we talked about the importance of lighting and the rule of thirds to take better pictures. Next week we will start our photography contest.
In Band we learned two new chords: A and Am

1) look at the larger of the two denominators
2) Check to find the first multiple of the the larger denominator that is divisible by the smaller denominator (That is the LCD)
3) Find equivalent fractions with the new denominator.
4) Add the numerators and keep the denomator
5) Reduce or change to mixed number if appropriate.
Adding fractions: different denominators: To solve this problem, we need to find the least common multiple to get at the common denominator. Can you help? We bet you can!
We will begin our fractions to decimal speed drills quiz on Friday.
In Technology we talked about the importance of lighting and the rule of thirds to take better pictures. Next week we will start our photography contest.
In Band we learned two new chords: A and Am

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Last Friday we had a landforms vocabulary quiz. I gave them back on Monday and we went over the answers together so that they could understand how they could have improved their work. Please remember to sign these.
We continue to learn about Realistic Fiction by rerewriting events that really happened to us. Last Friday we started to rewrite a very boring story about my last Thanksgiving day. The students rewrote the parts of the stories using our Reading/Language focus ( exchanging tired adjectives for exciting new ones).
Problem of the Day 26
At a local clothing store, 3 similar shirts and 4 similar jackets cost €360, and 1 shirt and 3 jackets cost €220. Find the cost of each shirt.
In Reading, we talked about the importance of noticing when characters act "out of character" in a novel. This tells us that we need to pay close attention to what they are thinking, learning, or how they are reacting.
In Math we started fractions. We will be studying them for the next month. Today, we had a brief introduction.
In Science, we finished our unit on earth science by looking a the three types of rocks and the rock cycle.
Here is our prezi:
In Math we started fractions. We will be studying them for the next month. Today, we had a brief introduction.
In Science, we finished our unit on earth science by looking a the three types of rocks and the rock cycle.
Here is our prezi:
Monday, October 13, 2014
Compiti per lunedì
Analizzare sul quaderno le seguenti frasi:
Due bambine piccoline mi hanno distrutto la camera.
Guarda, un Leonardo! Sono rarissimi da vedere, sai?!
Dal libro di riflessione linguistica completare pagina 54, 55, 56, 57
L'ultimo esercizio va fatto sul quaderno!!!
Venerdì ci sarà un mini quiz sui nomi!
Problem of the Day 25
There were 7 times as many marbles in Box A as in Box B. After Joyce transferred 294 marbles from Box A to Box B, both boxes had the same number of marbles. How many marbles were there in Box A at first?

Actions speak loudly in words...
In Math today we went over our tests from Friday. We made a lot of careless mistakes like...not reading instructions...not estimating to check our answers... and addition mistakes that were not checked. The same, we had some great results and improvements. We also worked on reviewing chapters 1 and 2 before we begin fractions tomorrow.
In Reading we talked about how actions can help us to understand a character. What a character does can tell us quite a bit. For example in Half a Chance, the fact that Lucy takes pictures tells us about her relationship with her father. Her action of going to the grocery store with Nate tells us that she is worried about her friendship with him and jealous of Megan. Look at the actions to discover who the character is!

In Art we started using rocks to make a piece of scenery.
In Reading we talked about how actions can help us to understand a character. What a character does can tell us quite a bit. For example in Half a Chance, the fact that Lucy takes pictures tells us about her relationship with her father. Her action of going to the grocery store with Nate tells us that she is worried about her friendship with him and jealous of Megan. Look at the actions to discover who the character is!
In Art we started using rocks to make a piece of scenery.
Friday, October 10, 2014
We spent the week going through the various steps of writing realistic fiction. The Grade Five students published their first stories today.
Our combined language and reading focus has been "giving voice to your reading and writing". The students have been keeping track of interesting words that they encounter while reading and have been trying to revise their own stories by exchanging "tired" words with the more interestsing words they are learning. Next week we begin round two of realistic fiction stories.
Problem of the Day 24
James bought a few hamsters. For each day after the first day of the week, the hamsters ate 20 grams of food more than the previous day. The hamsters grew fast, finishing 1,260 grams of food in the first week. How much food did the hamsters eat on the first day?
Tests completed
Today we talked about how to zoom in and out as a reader. Sometimes we need to read for fun and to think and to make connections. Other times we need to zoom in and think about why the author wrote that way, what strategies did she use or do, or why the author was successful or unsuccessful.

In Math we tested on Chapter 2. I should have the results back soon....
Have a great Barcolana weekend to all!
In Math we tested on Chapter 2. I should have the results back soon....
Have a great Barcolana weekend to all!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Problem of the Day 23
Ann had €198 more than her sister. After their mother gave Ann €20 and her sister €60, Ann had twice as much money as her sister. How much money did Ann have at first?
Math Test Tomorrow
We reviewed Chapter 2 (multiplication and division of whole numbers) as we prepare for our test tomorrow. We also had a special project working with grade 3 to make video story problems that we solved.
In Reading we worked on identifying nouns as we read about minerals.
In Reading we worked on identifying nouns as we read about minerals.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Bar Models
In Reading this morning we discussed how our reading logs can help us to identify which type of books that we prefer to read. This can be helpful to know what our strengths and weaknesses are as a reader.
In Math we started to use bar modeling to solve tricky word problems. Here is a video that might be helpful:
In Technology we started to discuss types of angles and shots and how they create emotion.
In Music we learned two new chords: C and D

Now we can play Sid the Squid.
In Math we started to use bar modeling to solve tricky word problems. Here is a video that might be helpful:
In Technology we started to discuss types of angles and shots and how they create emotion.
In Music we learned two new chords: C and D
Now we can play Sid the Squid.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem of the Day 21
Jessica and her mother return from shopping with 14 packages. They park the car in the parking lot, which is 120 m away from their house. Then they make several trips to bring the packages into their house. Jessica's mother can carry 3 packages at a time and Jessica can carry 2. Given that they always walk together and the least possible number of trips is made, find the total distance covered by both of them.
In Reading we talked about the importance of reading with expression. When we are expressive we are communicating meaning. We will continue to practice this as we read aloud.
In Math we started working on word problems with multiplication and division. This should help us not only to do well on our test on Friday but also be able to problem solve in life.
In Science we talked about minerals. Here is the prezi from our talk:
In Math we started working on word problems with multiplication and division. This should help us not only to do well on our test on Friday but also be able to problem solve in life.
In Science we talked about minerals. Here is the prezi from our talk:
Monday, October 6, 2014
Geograpghy test on Friday
Grade 5 presented their clay landform projects last Friday. They were graded not only on their artistic abilities but also on their presentations. They were each responsible for explaining a section of their relief map. This Friday they will also have a quiz on the definitions of the major landforms ( the ones that they used on their maps)
Problem of the Day 20
Benita has three ropes measuring 54 cm, 108 cm, and 189 cm. She cuts all of them into equal pieces. The length of each pieces is the longest possible length she can cut. What is the length of each piece of cut rope? How many pieces of cut rope does Benita get?
Math Test on Friday!
In Math today we talked about the order of operations to help simplify expressions. We learned a strategy called PEMA. P(parentheses and brackets first...inside to outside) E (exponents second) M (multiplication and division third) and A(addition and subtraction last). At each level we can always work from left to right. If we want to change the order we need to pay special attention to the sign before each number. Here is video that might help out:
We will have a test on Friday over multiplication and division of whole numbers.
In Reading we continued to talk about how to make connections between books that we have read. this skill can help us understand themes and characters better.
In Art we finished working on our Barcola drawings.
We will have a test on Friday over multiplication and division of whole numbers.
In Reading we continued to talk about how to make connections between books that we have read. this skill can help us understand themes and characters better.
In Art we finished working on our Barcola drawings.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Nota bene!!
Ricordo che per lunedì bisogna analizzare la frase e completare pagina 53.
Preparate la frase di ottobre: otto parole fra cui un articolo, un nome, un aggettivo, una preposizione e un verbo.
Buon fine settimana!
Problem of the Day 19
For every 5 highlighters that Agnes buys, she gets 1 free. If Agnes needs 80 highlighters, what is the least number of highlighters she has to buy?
Good Luck to Our Sailors!
In Reading we talked about how we need to share our books with passion and insight. We need to talk about our books as we would talk about a movie we like. Even if we do not like the book we need to be able to show insight in how we critique it.
In Math we continued to work on long division. we specifically looked at how to check our work by estimating with compatible numbers.
Good luck to all our sailors this weekend as they compete in the Barcolina!

In Math we continued to work on long division. we specifically looked at how to check our work by estimating with compatible numbers.
Good luck to all our sailors this weekend as they compete in the Barcolina!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Problem of the Day 18
Robert and Damien had the same amount of money. Each day, Robert spent €4 and Damien spent €6. When Damien had €12 left, Robert had 4 times as much money left as Damien. How much money did each boy have at first? (Think about yesterday's problem)
In Math we started working on dividing by two numbers. We are now working in our workbooks to practice this skill. We need to have our workbooks signed for tomorrow.
Dividing by two digits example 2: Here's another practice example where you divide by two digits.
In Reading we applied our work in Writing to work on prefixes.
Dividing by two digits example 2: Here's another practice example where you divide by two digits.
In Reading we applied our work in Writing to work on prefixes.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Compiti di geografia
Per martedì prossimo leggere dall'atlante pagina 11,12,16,17 e 22.
Ricordarsi di riportare a scuola l'atlante!!!
Domanda della settimana
Che cos'è l'angelica? Aiutino: é una domanda di botanica.
Che cos'è la botanica?
Problem of the Day 17
Marit and Jennifer had an equal number of crackers. Each day, Marit ate 12 crackers and Jennifer ate 6 more crackers than Marit. When Jennifer had 24 crackers left, Marit had 96 crackers left. How many crackers did each of them have at first?
First Chords
In Reading we looked at the importance of writing as we read. We can write a little (post-it, questions, new words) or a lot (book review, an essay), but the point is we should be writing. This writing helps us to think about what we read and to remember important parts of the text.
In Math, we continued to work on easy dividing. We specifically worked on using compatible numbers to make an easy and accurate quick estimation. (pgs 45-48)
In Technology, we looked at how to use the features of a DSLR to make a variety of shots. We can adjust the speed, the ISO and the aperture to take the perfect picture.

In Band, we learned our first chords: Em and G.

In Math, we continued to work on easy dividing. We specifically worked on using compatible numbers to make an easy and accurate quick estimation. (pgs 45-48)
In Technology, we looked at how to use the features of a DSLR to make a variety of shots. We can adjust the speed, the ISO and the aperture to take the perfect picture.
In Band, we learned our first chords: Em and G.
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