Per lunedì completare la pagina sugli articoli del libro di grammatica più l'analisi della frase: Sono la mucca pazza di Napoli.
Venerdì ci sarà un mini test sugli articoli e un dettato!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
In Reading we talked about the importance of making connections in what we are reading. The connections could be personal or links with other books that we have read. The links can even be in the same book. We should be looking for links between the chapters to help us understand.
In Math, we started to look at division by 10, 100, and 1,000. We learned that it means that we move the place value of each digit down 1, 2 or 3 places.
In Science, we talked about volcanoes and how they are linked with plate tectonics. Here is our prezi:
In Math, we started to look at division by 10, 100, and 1,000. We learned that it means that we move the place value of each digit down 1, 2 or 3 places.
In Science, we talked about volcanoes and how they are linked with plate tectonics. Here is our prezi:
Problem of the Day 16
Sophia buys an equal number of oranges and pears for a party. The oranges are bought at a price of 7 for €2 and pears are bought at a price of 5 for €3. She pays €33 more for the pears than for the oranges. How much does Sophia pay in all? How many oranges and pears does she buy altogether?
Monday, September 29, 2014
This week we begin a unit on writing Realistic Fiction. We will be making connections to the memoirs we have been writing in the last three weeks. Keeping in mind that realistic fiction, though untrue, could actually happen. Some events and places may even be real. That being said, I am looking forward to hearing some fantastic "could be true" stories from the class.
Our language focus this week will be on prefixes and how knowing the meaning of a prefix helps to unlock the meaning of the word it is attached to.
Problem of the Day 15
There were 149 angelfish and goldfish in an aquarium. There were twice as many guppies as angelfish. After selling 35 goldfish, there are half as many goldfish as angelfish. How many fish (angelfish, goldfish, and guppies) are left in the aquarium? You must show with bar modeling.
Changes in Time and Place
In Math we continued to practice our multiplication of large whole numbers. We worked specifically on pages 38-42. We also have test correction due tomorrow as well as the bonus worksheet.
In Reading we talked about clues to realize that there is a change in time or place in a story. The author could start a new chapter, use a space, or even a symbol (star, stars, paddle...other) to signify this change.
In Art, we continued to work on our "boundary" projects as well as our Art contest drawings for the Barcolana.
In Reading we talked about clues to realize that there is a change in time or place in a story. The author could start a new chapter, use a space, or even a symbol (star, stars, paddle...other) to signify this change.
In Art, we continued to work on our "boundary" projects as well as our Art contest drawings for the Barcolana.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Problem of the Day 14
Aaron and Benga have a total of 976 trading cards. Benga has 7 times as many cards as Aaron. How many cards should Benga give Aaron so that Aaron will have three times as many cards as Benga? If you show with bar modeling there will be a bigger prize...

Let it flow...
In Reading we talked about the important things to think about when we are reading. We are trying to make predictions. We are trying to imagine the scene like a film. We are thinking about the characters and how they are changing. When we are thinking while we read we are reading better!
In Math, we talked about multiplication of whole numbers. We will continue to work on this Monday. Today we talked specifically how 123 X 45 is the same thing as (123 X 5) + (123 X 40).

We also had a lot of ukuleles and guitars being tuned and played. Let is flow.....
In Math, we talked about multiplication of whole numbers. We will continue to work on this Monday. Today we talked specifically how 123 X 45 is the same thing as (123 X 5) + (123 X 40).
We also had a lot of ukuleles and guitars being tuned and played. Let is flow.....
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Encyclopedia Britannica
In Math today we worked on complicated estimations with products. For example, to estimate 34,569 X 567,359 we would round each of the leading digits : 30,000 X 600,000. Then we multiply the new leading digits and add the zeroes: 18,000,000,000. Students need to have their workbooks signed tonight.
In Reading, we looked at a new service that we have at our school called Encyclopedia Britannica. We have access at school of this website and should have some student logins later on in the year for students to use at home.

This is the website :
In Reading, we looked at a new service that we have at our school called Encyclopedia Britannica. We have access at school of this website and should have some student logins later on in the year for students to use at home.
This is the website :
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Problem of the Day 12
The product of two consecutive even numbers is 624. What is the greater number? (Consecutive even numbers are even numbers placed on after another in an unbroken sequence. For example, 2,4,6,7 or 10,12,14.)
Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000,.......1,000,000,000,000
In Reading we talked about the importance looking at the details of a story. The details will give us clues about characters and about the lessons the author is trying to teach us. We applied those details to our Reading groups.
In Math we made great progress and came up with rules for multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, and so on. We also came up with a method to multiply by multiples of 10,100, and 1,000. For example: 111 X 40 is (111 X 4) X 10. These are great shortcuts to help us solve problems mentally.

In Electives we split up into our groups for the first time. In Technology we started looking at the parts of a camera and then we started working with taking pictures with the tablets. In Band, we talked about how to bring our instruments to school, how to tune them, and how to use both our hands when playing.
In Math we made great progress and came up with rules for multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, and so on. We also came up with a method to multiply by multiples of 10,100, and 1,000. For example: 111 X 40 is (111 X 4) X 10. These are great shortcuts to help us solve problems mentally.
In Electives we split up into our groups for the first time. In Technology we started looking at the parts of a camera and then we started working with taking pictures with the tablets. In Band, we talked about how to bring our instruments to school, how to tune them, and how to use both our hands when playing.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Complimenti a tutte le persone che si sono documentate sulle montagne russe e hanno condiviso le loro nuove conoscenze in maniera molto dettagliata e piuttosto precisa, grazie!
Ricordo che per lunedì prossimo ci sono 3 frasi da analizzare:
Il cane bello correva nell'acqua limpida.
Da cane si mangia il frisbee stellare.
Giuseppino mangia la carne bella, buona e succulenta.
Studiate la lezione di geografia per martedì.
Problem of the Day 11
In a mathematics quiz, 20 problems are given. 5 points are given for each correct answer and 2 points are deducted for each incorrect answer. Ashley scores 51 points. How many correct answers does she have?
In Reading, we talked about the importance of sharing. Learning how to share can help not only the one listening to learn new ideas, about a new author, or a new book, but it is especially useful to the one sharing to express and communicate thoughts. Often when we communicate we can draw new conclusions.
In Math we took our chapter one test on Whole Numbers. We also started our new unit about multiplication and division. Today we looked at using calculators to check our work.
In Science we talked about Earthquakes. Here is our presentation:
In Math we took our chapter one test on Whole Numbers. We also started our new unit about multiplication and division. Today we looked at using calculators to check our work.
In Science we talked about Earthquakes. Here is our presentation:
Monday, September 22, 2014
Here are our spelling words for this week.
Eclipise, tectonics, earthquake, dividend, division, quotiant, ( science and math words)
In languaguage we continue to focus on homophones which are especially difficult for EFL students. This week we will be working on: To, too, two your, you're , principal, principle, steal, steel.
HOMEWORK for Thursday: find as many homophones as you can! You do not need to write their (there, they're ) definition but please use each one ( won) in a sentence that show you know (no) the meaning. There will be a prize for the student with the most!
Math Test Tomorrow: Whole Numbers
In Math today we reviewed again for our test tomorrow. We specifically worked on estimation techniques for the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). We also worked on some challenging word problems to solve. Good luck to all tomorrow!
In Reading we started to use our Reading Logs. These logs will help us to keep track of what we have read and how long we are reading each day.

In Art we started a project that applies our Science skills to Art. We have to draw the same picture but using our fault boundaries that we are studying: transform, convergent and divergent.
Don't forget about our Science quiz tomorrow!
In Reading we started to use our Reading Logs. These logs will help us to keep track of what we have read and how long we are reading each day.
In Art we started a project that applies our Science skills to Art. We have to draw the same picture but using our fault boundaries that we are studying: transform, convergent and divergent.
Don't forget about our Science quiz tomorrow!
Friday, September 19, 2014
We continue to work on landforms. The Grade 5 photographers are making a wall size mural of the world and clay relief maps of many of the landforms.We hope to finish by next week!
Congratulations on your first language test results! Everyone did a good or great job with the spelling words and our language focus on "their, there and they're"
In our Writer's Workshop we started our first unit called "memoirs". We are learning to write with focus, beginning our stories with dialogue or small actions.
Domanda della settimana
Perché le montagne russe si chiamano così? Sono davvero state inventate da un russo? Provate a trovare la risposta per condividerla lunedì in classe!!!
Buon fine settimana.
Problem of the Day 9
Three numbers have different whole numbers on them. Each number when rounded to the nearest ten, is 30. What can the three numbers be?
Have a nice weekend!
In Reading today we talked about the importance of looking at a book before we choose it. We can look at the title, the author, the images, and even awards it might have won. We can also read the blurb on the back to see if it might be a book that interests us.

In Math, we reviewed chapter one to be ready for our test on Tuesday. Good luck to all and have a great weekend!
In Math, we reviewed chapter one to be ready for our test on Tuesday. Good luck to all and have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Problem of the Day 8
How amny addition and subtraction signs should be placed between these digits to get a value of 34? Show where the addition and subtraction signs should be placed.
All the numbers are less than 100.
1 3 4 6 2 9 4
All the numbers are less than 100.
Products and Quotients
In Math we talked about some good strategies to estimate products and quotients. For multiplication rounding the largest factor is useful while for division is is good to look for compatible numbers.

Our HW pages are 15-22. We have a test on Tuesday!
In Reading we practiced our they're, there, their with a story about three pigs.

Our HW pages are 15-22. We have a test on Tuesday!
In Reading we practiced our they're, there, their with a story about three pigs.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Dopo una discussione democratica è stato stabilito che si può votare solo 1 volta!!
Pertanto siete pregati di dare di nuovo il vostro voto al nome che preferite. I voti pervenuti fino a questo momento vengono considerati nulli!
Problem of the Day 7
How many subtraction signs should be placed between these digits to get a value of 23? Show where the subtraction signs should be placed.
9 8 2 3 5 4 7
(all numbers are less than 100)
Hard to Focus...?
In Reading we broke up into our Reading groups. While groups meet the others are using the time to apply the lesson of the day while they read silently and by themselves. This should be a thinking time to understand your novel better.
In Math we started working on a 2 part lesson about rounding, front-end estimation with adjustment to help get a quick idea of what an answer should be.
In our elective time we looked at the options for the year; band (guitar, ukulele, or banjo) or technology (Photography, programming, Tech)
We will start our Electives next week.
Finally we talked a lot about what it means to "focus" at school. Knowing when to listen and when to talk is key to being successful at school!
In Math we started working on a 2 part lesson about rounding, front-end estimation with adjustment to help get a quick idea of what an answer should be.
In our elective time we looked at the options for the year; band (guitar, ukulele, or banjo) or technology (Photography, programming, Tech)
We will start our Electives next week.
Finally we talked a lot about what it means to "focus" at school. Knowing when to listen and when to talk is key to being successful at school!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Plate Tectonics
In Math today we started to look at how to compare two numbers. We created a rule to look at the greatest place values and see which is greater. If they are the same, we keep moving down the place values until we find a difference. We also started to talk about how to identify patterns.
We finished our Reading tests and will begin our groups tomorrow!
In Science, we started our unit on Geology by looking at Plate Tectonics. Look at the prezi from our class conversation!
We finished our Reading tests and will begin our groups tomorrow!
In Science, we started our unit on Geology by looking at Plate Tectonics. Look at the prezi from our class conversation!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Parts of a Story
In Math today we talked about place value and writing numbers in expanded form. Expanded form is the sum of all the place values. For example 1,234,567 in expanded form is 1,000,000 + 200,000 + 30,000 + 4,000 + 500 + 60 + 7.

In Reading we discussed the key parts of a story. As good readers we should be constantly looking at the characters, the problems the characters face, how the problems are resolved and how the characters change through out the story. These 4 points can help us understand the novel.
In Reading we discussed the key parts of a story. As good readers we should be constantly looking at the characters, the problems the characters face, how the problems are resolved and how the characters change through out the story. These 4 points can help us understand the novel.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
This week we have a Mega Review of "must know" past tense verbs. We will also be working towards remembering when to use " there, their, they're, theirs". We will be practicing these words throughout the week in our daily writing assignments.
begin-began, buy-bought, catch-caught, come-came, draw-drew, drink-drank, eat-ate, give-gave, grow-grew, hear-heard, know-knew, meet-met, sleep-slept, swim-swam, take-took, throw-threw, write-wrote
This week we have a Mega Review of "must know" past tense verbs. We will also be working towards remembering when to use " there, their, they're, theirs". We will be practicing these words throughout the week in our daily writing assignments.
begin-began, buy-bought, catch-caught, come-came, draw-drew, drink-drank, eat-ate, give-gave, grow-grew, hear-heard, know-knew, meet-met, sleep-slept, swim-swam, take-took, throw-threw, write-wrote
Friday, September 12, 2014
The Grade 5 photographers have been writing about their summer and special people in their lives. We discussed the connection between photographs, that capture small moments and writing stories about small but important moments in their lives.
We had our first Social Studies lesson today. I spoke briefly about our topics for the year which are: The Fall of Rome, Medieval Society and Culture, Cultural Awareness of major world religions and World Geography. Today we reviewed what they learned last year and added onto the list of landforms that we need to know for this year. We will be doing different geography projects throughout the year that will be connected to what we are learning in History.
We had our first Social Studies lesson today. I spoke briefly about our topics for the year which are: The Fall of Rome, Medieval Society and Culture, Cultural Awareness of major world religions and World Geography. Today we reviewed what they learned last year and added onto the list of landforms that we need to know for this year. We will be doing different geography projects throughout the year that will be connected to what we are learning in History.
Problem of the Day 4
Karen opens a book and notes the page numbers of the facing pages. The product of the two numbers is 600. What are the page numbers of the facing pages?
In Reading this morning we talked about how we need to have the desire to improve our reading. This will mean that we read independently, we listen to each other, and we try to understand our novels. We call this desire "agency".
In Math we continued to work on number up to a trillion. We learned that we can read them correctly if we look at the number by its periods. Each period (thousands, millions, billion, trillions) are 3 digits that are separated by commas. Our HW are pages 2 to 6 in our WB(workbooks).
In Math we continued to work on number up to a trillion. We learned that we can read them correctly if we look at the number by its periods. Each period (thousands, millions, billion, trillions) are 3 digits that are separated by commas. Our HW are pages 2 to 6 in our WB(workbooks).
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Let the games begin...
We began our first true Math lesson this morning. We are starting a unit about whole numbers. Today we specifically looked at how to write and understand whole numbers to 100,000. We also started taking our speed drills with the tablets and recorded our data. The homework for tomorrow is page 1 of our workbook.
In Reading we talked about how to use our classroom library properly to check out books. We need to fill in our name, the book title, the author and the day that we checked it out. To check a book in we need to put the date as well as rate the book on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the best book you have ever written and 1 being the book that you use to help you sleep at night.

In Reading we talked about how to use our classroom library properly to check out books. We need to fill in our name, the book title, the author and the day that we checked it out. To check a book in we need to put the date as well as rate the book on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the best book you have ever written and 1 being the book that you use to help you sleep at night.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Problem of the Day 2
Logan and Izzy had he same number of stickers. After Izzy gave him 72 stickers, Logan had 3 times as many stickers as Izzy. How many stickers did they have altogether? Show work.
Math Blues...and building reading "muscles"
We started off our second day with the Math we took our pre-test in Math and tomorrow we should be able to begin our first chapter on Whole numbers. We will cover the numbers to the millions while working with Place Value, Comparing, Rounding and Estimation. The "blues" have begun :) We even used our Elective time to finish this test. Ufa!
In Reading today we started our first unit about how to be successful readers this year. Today we talked about the importance of finding books that are the right level. If we want to build reading "muscle" then we need to find the correct weight and then start building!

In Reading today we started our first unit about how to be successful readers this year. Today we talked about the importance of finding books that are the right level. If we want to build reading "muscle" then we need to find the correct weight and then start building!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Problem of the Day 1
2 diamond rings and 4 silver rings cost €1,440. A diamond ring and a silver ring cost €660. How much does a silver ring cost?
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Grade 5...Getting Focused
Welcome parents and students of the Grade 5 to our blog. There will be regular updates about what is happening in the classroom on this blog, so please look at it regularly to keep up with what is going on. Here you will find daily summaries, news of tests, upcoming events, book reviews, pictures, projects, contest results, math problems and much more.
We are going to have a great let's get focused!
We are going to have a great let's get focused!
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