Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Digestive System
In Reading we worked in our Reading groups before we worked on our final song for our 50th anniversary.
In Math we reviewed for our chapter 12 test on Thursday.
In Science we studied the next body system: the digestive system. We also heard some stories about Mr. S failing to impress others. Here is our prezi:
In Math we reviewed for our chapter 12 test on Thursday.
In Science we studied the next body system: the digestive system. We also heard some stories about Mr. S failing to impress others. Here is our prezi:
Monday, March 30, 2015
Analisi logica per giovedì 2 aprile
Compiti di analisi logica per giovedì 2 aprile
Leggi con attenzione le seguenti frasi poi:Dividile in pezzi logici
Trova il predicato e scopri se è verbale o nominale
Trova il soggetto
Trova i complementi
Scopri quali sono
Complemento oggetto: chi? che cosa?
Complemento di termine: a chi? a che cosa?
Complemento di specificazione di chi? di che cosa?
Complemento di luogo dove?
Complemento di tempo quando?
Attenzione ai pronomi personali:aprili ( mi=a me)
Mi piacciono le scarpe di Eleonora.
Ieri il tempo era bellissimo
Lunedì scorso sei ritornato a casa alle otto.
Stefania ti ha chiesto un regalo da Parigi.
Spesso le raccontava bellissime fiabe di gnomi e di fate.
Ogni anno le rondini costruiscono il nido sotto la grondaia.
Vertical Angles
In Math we discussed our final section about angles looking at "Vertical Angles". These angles are formed be two intersecting lines and are opposite of each other or "kissing". The important thing to remember is that they are congruent.

In Reading we talked about the importance of asking good questions in non-fiction reading.
In Art we finished our pop-ups or to work on our Statistics projects.
In Reading we talked about the importance of asking good questions in non-fiction reading.
In Art we finished our pop-ups or to work on our Statistics projects.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Compiti di geografia per martedì 31 marzo
Preparare un discorso sulla la regione scelta presentando tutte le informazioni analizzate in classe più un approfondimento su un argomento a piacere riguardante la regione stessa.
Alcune proposte suggerite in classe sono state : l'acquario di Genova, ricerche sulla storia, le piste da sci del Trentino, i musei, la storia della Juventus, i monumenti, le chiese, il porto, il mare, le grotte, le pianure, i fiumi, il dialetto, la cucina...
P.S. Di che città si tratta???
Compiti di grammatica per lunedì 30 marzo
Studiare i tempi semplici -presente, imperfetto del congiuntivo degli ausiliari essere e avere.
Fare sul quaderno l'analisi grammaticale della seguente frase.
Il mio gatto ha mangiato un gustosissimo salmone che poi ha vomitato.
Attenzione a che!!! Se puoi sostituirlo con il quale la quale i quali o le quali è un pronome relativo!!!
Angles on a Straight Line
In Math we started finding and working with angles on a straight line. We noted that they must sum to a total of 180°. Two angles that make a right 90° angle are called complementary. Two angles that add to a total of 180° are called supplementary.

In Reading we talked about how to study a topic that is not too specific nor too broad. We need to work with subtopics.

In Reading we talked about how to study a topic that is not too specific nor too broad. We need to work with subtopics.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
In Reading today we talked about the importance of reading several books/magazines/articles about a topic. We also talked about how we need to "go" until we reach a relevant topic and then we "stop" and write/think/reflect about that topic.
In Math we began our last unit on Geometry. We are starting off chapter 12 with angles. Today we reviewed how to measure and construct angles with a protractor.
We also had our 3rd French lesson.
In Math we began our last unit on Geometry. We are starting off chapter 12 with angles. Today we reviewed how to measure and construct angles with a protractor.
We also had our 3rd French lesson.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Skin and the Endocrine System
In Reading we worked on making timelines and maps to help us grasp the big picture of a non-fiction book. These tools can be very useful to us as inquisitive readers.
We took our Chapter 11 Math Test on Graphs and Probability. I should have the results soon.
In Science we talked about the largest organ in the body...the skin!! We also looked at the hormone producing system; the endocrine system. Here is our prezi:
We took our Chapter 11 Math Test on Graphs and Probability. I should have the results soon.
In Science we talked about the largest organ in the body...the skin!! We also looked at the hormone producing system; the endocrine system. Here is our prezi:
Monday, March 23, 2015
Compiti analisi logica per giovedì 26 marzo
Compiti di analisi logica per giovedì 26 marzo
Leggi con attenzione le seguenti frasi poi:Dividile in pezzi logici
Trova il predicato e scopri se è verbale o nominale
Trova il soggetto
Trova i complementi
Scopri quali sono
Complemento oggetto: chi? che cosa?
Complemento di termine: a chi? a che cosa?
Complemento di specificazione di chi? di che cosa?
Complemento di luodg dove?
Attenzione ai pronomi personali:aprili ( mi=a me)
Giovedì dovrai analizzare queste frasi sul quaderno o alla lavagna per un'interrogazione orale.
Stasera il papà di Lucia è stanco.
Hai dato il cibo ai pesci di Sabrina?
Stella ha assistito a uno spettacolo in teatro.
A casa gli alunni di quinta si preparano all'interrogazione.
Vado a casa di Marco.
Emanuele in treno ha letto tre libri.
Non Fiction
We started our non-fiction unit today by discussing how we can use a brief overview to get organized before reading a section. We can look at the cover, the table of contents, pictures, maps and other to help us get the big picture and how the book is structured.

In Math we reviewed for our chapter 11 test on Statistics and probability. Good luck to all!
In Art we continued to work on our 3-D pop ups, this time making book illustrations.
In Math we reviewed for our chapter 11 test on Statistics and probability. Good luck to all!
In Art we continued to work on our 3-D pop ups, this time making book illustrations.
Friday, March 20, 2015
The Students presented the first 5 projects for our Medieval unit in Social Studies.
Anna and Eugenia built a castle and explained the purpose and how people lived.
Pietro and Daniele prepared a presentation on weapons and explained how they were used.
Sarah and Sophie were well prepared to talk about how people had fun in Medieval Times.
Leo M and Ale gave a detailed account of Crime and Punishment.
Dario and Cesare explained to us the food and eating utensils that people used and the different kind of manners that were acceptable.
Problem of the Day 85
Regina paid €12.50 for 4 chicken sandwiches and 3 apple pies. The cost of each apple pie was 0.75 the cost of each chicken sandwich. How much did each chicken sandwich cost?
Tomorrow will be the first day of Spring!
In Reading today we took our "interpretation of texts" Test.
In Math we reviewed our review packet on Chapter 11. Our test is on Tuesday.
We also used our pin hole viewers and protectors to look at the Eclipse...though with the clouds it was tricky!
In Reading today we took our "interpretation of texts" Test.
In Math we reviewed our review packet on Chapter 11. Our test is on Tuesday.
We also used our pin hole viewers and protectors to look at the Eclipse...though with the clouds it was tricky!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Problem of the Day 84
Albert went shopping with half of his monthly allowance. He spent €35.50 on a shirt and 3/5 of the remainder on a book. He has €25.80 left after his shopping trip. What was Albert's monthly allowance?
Solar Eclipse Tomorrow!
Tomorrow we will have a 70% solar eclipse around 10:30. While I encourage all to wear protective sunglasses as it will be difficult to resist the temptation to get a quick glimpse at the eclipse, we will not be looking directly at the eclipse. We will be building some pinhole viewers to protect our eyes and use the tablets to take pictures.

In Math today we looked at the difference between theoretical and experimental probability. The larger the sample, the close the experimental will look like the theoretical.

In Reading today we practiced for our Reading test tomorrow.
In Math today we looked at the difference between theoretical and experimental probability. The larger the sample, the close the experimental will look like the theoretical.

In Reading today we practiced for our Reading test tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Problem of the Day 83
Sarah saves €1.50 daily while Jessica saves €1 more than Sarah each day. Although Jessica started saving 10 days later than Sarah, she has now saved €12 more than Sarah. How many days has Sarah been saving? How much money has Jessica saved so far?
In Reading this morning we reviewed all of our lessons about how to find and prove a theme of a story. Tomorrow we will practice it and on Friday we have a test.
In Math we moved to probability as we talked about combinations of events. We learned that we can learn the total amount of combinations with a tree diagram or by simple multiplication.

We also had our second of 4 lessons of introductory French. Tres bien!
In Math we moved to probability as we talked about combinations of events. We learned that we can learn the total amount of combinations with a tree diagram or by simple multiplication.
We also had our second of 4 lessons of introductory French. Tres bien!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Problem of the Day 82
James was given some alarm clocks and 30 patches to sell during a charity fund raising project. He was supposed to sell each alarm clock for €15.50 and each patch for €2.30. Instead, James worked out a plan in order to avoid accepting coins. He sold each clock for €16 and each patch for €2. James collected the same amount of money using the new prices as he would have with the old prices. How many alarm clocks did James sell?
Muscular System
In Reading today we worked in our Reading groups as we continue to try to apply the lessons of this unit to interpret our texts. We will try to apply these lessons the next three lessons before beginning our new unit.
In Math we learned how to take our plotted points to make a linear graph. We first make a table choosing 3 easy input values and find the corresponding outputs. Plotting these points we then connect them with a line.
In Science we looked at the muscular system. Here is our prezi:
In Math we learned how to take our plotted points to make a linear graph. We first make a table choosing 3 easy input values and find the corresponding outputs. Plotting these points we then connect them with a line.
In Science we looked at the muscular system. Here is our prezi:
Monday, March 16, 2015
Problem of the Day 81
At a cafe, each chicken sandwich costs 0.8 times as much as each cheese sandwich. Daniel pays €46.15 for 9 chicken sandwiches and 7 cheese sandwiches. What is the cost of each chicken sandwich? What is the cost of each cheese sandwich?
Wear Green Tomorrow
Today in Math we started to look at the coordinate plane and are able to name and plot ordered pairs. Look at this video for a reminder:
Coordinate plane: plot ordered pairs: We're plotting an ordered pair on the x (horizontal) axis and y (vertical) axis of the coordinate plane.
In Reading we took a quiz on our "Interpretation of Texts" unit. We begin our second nonfiction unit tomorrow.
In Art we worked on making pop-up cards.
Don't forget to wear green for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow!
Coordinate plane: plot ordered pairs: We're plotting an ordered pair on the x (horizontal) axis and y (vertical) axis of the coordinate plane.
In Reading we took a quiz on our "Interpretation of Texts" unit. We begin our second nonfiction unit tomorrow.
In Art we worked on making pop-up cards.
Don't forget to wear green for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Literacy Day Tomorrow
In Math today we worked on double bar graphs. We even ran a simple stats experiment and compared colored cubes that we randomly chose. No Math tomorrow!...stop crying!

In Reading we finished our unit on the interpretation of texts. We talked about how we can look at the importance of the perspective in first person perspective points of view. The author has chosen them for a reason. Read Wonder for a great example. Quiz on Monday!
In Reading we finished our unit on the interpretation of texts. We talked about how we can look at the importance of the perspective in first person perspective points of view. The author has chosen them for a reason. Read Wonder for a great example. Quiz on Monday!

Analisi logica per giovedì
Compiti di analisi logica per giovedì 19 marzo
Leggi con attenzione le seguenti frasi poi:Dividile in pezzi logici
Trova il predicato e scopri se è verbale o nominale
Trova il soggetto
Trova i complementi
Scopri quali sono
Complemento oggetto: chi? che cosa?
Complemento di termine: a chi? a che cosa?
Complemento di specificazione di chi? di che cosa?
Attenzione ai pronomi personali:aprili ( mi=a me)
Giovedì dovrai analizzare queste frasi sul quaderno.
1) Ieri ho cenato a casa di mia nonna.
2) Ti ho restituito il libro di fiabe.
3)Il gatto di tua zia è affettuoso.
4)Mi ha chiamato la mamma di Giovanni.
5) Devo restituirgli la cassetta degli attrezzi.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
writing workshop
We have been working intensely on Poetry for the last 3 weeks. It has been a huge success that has inspired most of the class. I am immensely proud of all the writing they have produced.
We are currently in the process of "publishing" our poetry and as soon as we have completed our books, you will be invited to our Poetry Caffe.
Spelling and History
This week's spelling words are part of our Medieval history unit. A reminder that the spelling test will be on Monday because of the short week.
We are working on projects this week and next in history. Some of the work will have to be completed at home. The projects are due on March 20.
Compiti di geografia per martedì 17 marzo
Compilare da soli la scheda sul Friuli Venezia Giulia con tutte le informazioni più importanti usando l'atlante o altri strumenti.
Buon lavoro!
Compiti per lunedì 16 marzo
Dal libro "Alla grande" pagina 108 e 109, provare a svolgere anche l'esercizio 3, lo controlleremo bene in classe.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Problem of the Day 80
Kerrie bought 5 notebooks and 5 pens. Devon bought 8 notebooks and 4 pens. They both paid the same amount. Each notebook cost €3.70 less than the cost of each pen. What was the cost of each notebook? What was the cost of each pen?

The Skeletal System
In Reading today we talked about how more than objects can be repeated. Repetition of lines and scenes can also be a tool that author's use to show meaning.
In Math we practiced displaying data with some races and contests that we did. We also received our stats projects that are due in a month.
In Science we started our new unit on the human body systems by looking at the skeletal system. Here is our prezi.
Mr. S will be at a Math meeting in the city tomorrow. We will also begin our French classes in our elective time.
In Math we practiced displaying data with some races and contests that we did. We also received our stats projects that are due in a month.
In Science we started our new unit on the human body systems by looking at the skeletal system. Here is our prezi.
Mr. S will be at a Math meeting in the city tomorrow. We will also begin our French classes in our elective time.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Problem of the Day 79
The mass of a can of orange juice is 0.16 kg heavier than the mass of mango juice. The mass of 6 cans of orange juice is the same as the mass of 9 cans of mango juice. What is the mass of each can of mango juice? What is the mass of each can of orange juice?

Whew! 4 periods of Math today! We started our new unit on statistics. Today we talked about;
- What statistics is?
- What is data?
- What is a population?
- What is a random sample?
- What are good questions?
- How do we collect data?
- How do we display data?
Tomorrow we will talk about how to draw conclusions and receive our projects.
In Reading we talked about the importance of looking out for details in our reading. Details often make the difference.
In Art we started to design covers for our favorite books that we have read this year. Literacy day is on Friday!
Friday, March 6, 2015
Problem of the Day 78
At a cafe, Paul paid €12.50 for 2 cups of coffee and 2 cups of tea. The cost of each cup of tea was 2/3 the cost of each cup of coffee. How much did each cup of coffee cost? How much did Paul's friend, Leon, pay for 2 cups of coffee and 1 cup of tea?
Whew! Trimester 2 is OVER!
In Reading we talked about the importance of looking at a title to understand meaning. The title does not always give us clues but it will often give us insight into what the author is trying to communicate.

In Math we took our trimester 2 benchmark to monitor progress. We will begin a Statistics unit on Monday!
In Math we took our trimester 2 benchmark to monitor progress. We will begin a Statistics unit on Monday!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Compiti di analisi logica per giovedì 12 marzo
Leggi con attenzione le seguenti frasi poi:
Dividile in pezzi logici
Trova il predicato e scopri se è verbale o nominale
Trova il soggetto
Trova i complementi
Scopri quali sono
Complemento oggetto: chi? che cosa?
Complemento di termine: a chi? a che cosa?
Attenzione ai pronomi personali:aprili ( mi=a me)
Giovedì dovrai analizzare queste frasi sul quaderno.
1) Lucio passa la palla a Stefano.
2) Ieri ho messo un collarino al mio cane.
3) Il postino consegnò un pacco voluminoso alla mamma.
4) Mi piacciono le caramelle.
5) Ti aspetto alle sette nel parco.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Compiti di geografia per martedì 10
Completare le informazioni sul Trentino Alto Adige sulla fotocopia usando l'atlante. L'atlante deve rimanere a casa.
Grazie, Miss Maria
Monday, March 2, 2015
Science Projects
In Math we reviewed for our chapter 10 test on percents tomorrow. Good luck everybody!
In Reading we continued to compare our characters and themes, this time to ourselves.
Don't forget that our Science projects are due tomorrow...I can't wait to see them!
In Reading we continued to compare our characters and themes, this time to ourselves.
Don't forget that our Science projects are due tomorrow...I can't wait to see them!
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