Friday, January 30, 2015
Problem of the Day 70
A pile of 12 books is 1.2 meters thick. 9 of them are 9.5 cm thick each and the rest are of equal thickness. For the rest of the books, how thick is each of them in cm?

Multiplying decimals
In Reading we continued to talk about the ISA test before we split into our groups.
In Math we began chapter 9 and talked about how to multiply decimals. The steps are rather simple. We just need to multiply as if there were no decimals, count the place values to the right of the decimal in the factors, and then move the decimal that many places in the product.
In Math we began chapter 9 and talked about how to multiply decimals. The steps are rather simple. We just need to multiply as if there were no decimals, count the place values to the right of the decimal in the factors, and then move the decimal that many places in the product.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
In Reading we continued to talk about test taking strategies before we split up into our reading groups.
In Math we talked about how to add and subtract decimals. It is easy! We just need to line up the decimals, add 0's to make numbers have the same place values, drop a decimal below the other and then add or subtract.
Adding decimals: example 1: Line those decimals up first. Careful!
In Science we discussed the 5 classes of vertebrates as we filled in our table about the vertebrates.
In Math we talked about how to add and subtract decimals. It is easy! We just need to line up the decimals, add 0's to make numbers have the same place values, drop a decimal below the other and then add or subtract.
Adding decimals: example 1: Line those decimals up first. Careful!
In Science we discussed the 5 classes of vertebrates as we filled in our table about the vertebrates.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Problem of the Day 68
How many hundredths are there in 1.19 ? How many thousandths? How many hundred millionths? How many tenths?
Converting Decimals to Fractions
In Math we talked about converting decimals to mixed numbers and fractions today. The steps are very simple as the key is to look at the value of the last digit after the decimal to determine the denominator....and don't forget to reduce!

In Reading we talked about the ISA test that we will be taking next week before we split up into our reading groups.
In Art we started to create fantasy settings for the book we are reading in class.
In Reading we talked about the ISA test that we will be taking next week before we split up into our reading groups.
In Art we started to create fantasy settings for the book we are reading in class.
We are reviewing the past tense of irregular verbs.We took a pretext today on 18 of the verbs that are a " must know " for Grade 5.
Grade 5 students will have a short quiz on Friday that will cover the material in the first two chapters of our book " The medieval Realms" They will also need to know the information on the feudal system that is on the worksheet that is glued into their notebooks. I will be reviewing on Wednesday.
Compiti per lunedì 2 febbraio
Completare le fotocopie sui pronomi personali sul quaderno di grammatica.
Venerdì 30 gennaio ci sarà una piccola verifica.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Rounding and Comparing Decimals
In Math this morning we talked about how to compare and how to round decimals. The steps are almost the same as rounding and comparing all numbers. To compare we can add zeros so that numbers are easier to compare and we can move from left to right looking at the value at each place value. To round we need to remember to eliminate all digits after the place value that we are rounding to.

Problem of the Day 67
How many hundredths are there in 0.07? How many thousandths? How many millionths? How many tenths?
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Problem of the Day 66
How many hundredths are there in 0.58? How many thousandths? How many ten millionths? How many tenths?
New Math Workbooks!
We are officially starting the second half of our Math program this year by using new text books and workbooks in class. We will be spending a few chapters on decimals and ratios. then we will move into statistics and geometry to finish off the year. Today we talked about decimals and how they are linked with fractions.

In Reading we started to apply our tools to analyze fantasy books that we are reading.
In Reading we started to apply our tools to analyze fantasy books that we are reading.
Compiti per lunedì
Completare tutti gli esercizi a pagina 65 del libro di grammatica:alcuni devono essere svolti sul quaderno e ricopiare sempre sul quaderno le 2 tabelle a pagina 64.
Progetto di geografia
Complimenti all'Istituto Geografico di Grade 5 per la realizzazione delle cartine in 3D dell'Italia fisica!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Problem of the Day 65
A box of marbles was shared among Michael, Samuel, and Royston. Michael got 2/5 of them and the remainder was shared between Samuel and Royston in the ratio 5:4. Michael got 118 marbles more than Royston. How many marbles were in the box?
In Reading today we talked about characteristics of specific genres. For example, there are common themes, settings, and characters in fantasy books: young characters with a steep learning curve, magical element, complex plots and characters, different types of "dragons.
In Math we review for our midyear benchmark tomorrow. Good luck everybody.
In Science today we talked about the 8 common phyla of invertebrates. Can you tell your parents all 8?
We will have a standardized test (ISA) that will test our progress as a school the first week of February. I will have more information about that in the future.
In Math we review for our midyear benchmark tomorrow. Good luck everybody.
In Science today we talked about the 8 common phyla of invertebrates. Can you tell your parents all 8?
We will have a standardized test (ISA) that will test our progress as a school the first week of February. I will have more information about that in the future.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Problem of the Day 64
The number of antique coins in Any's collection was 2/5 that of the number of coins in Bobby's collection. Then Bobby gave 1/2 of his collection to Andy. What is the new ratio of the number of antique coins that Andy has to the number of antique coins that Bobby has? At this point, Andy has 108 more coins than Bobby. How many antique coins did Bobby have at first?
Manic Monday...
In Math today we began to review for our mid year assessment that we will have on Wednesday. Then we will move into our new book/workbook as we begin to look at decimals.
In Reading we discussed complex characters that are nuanced. They are not all good or evil but have weaknesses and flaws.
In Art we finished our fantasy animals that we named and classified.
In Reading we discussed complex characters that are nuanced. They are not all good or evil but have weaknesses and flaws.
In Art we finished our fantasy animals that we named and classified.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Domanda del fine settimana
Quanti e quali pronomi personali ci sono in questa frase???
Si affrettarono a calare la scialuppa e la manovra contribuì a rinfrancarli un poco: ben presto quel pomolo sarebbe stato in mano loro, ed eccoli sulla buona strada per diventare miliardari.
Passato remoto questo sconosciuto
Io ruppi
Tu rompesti
Egli ruppe
Noi rompemmo
Voi rompeste
Essi ruppero
Io feci
Tu facesti
Egli fece
Noi facemmo
Voi faceste
Essi fecero
Io venni
Tu venisti
Egli venne
Noi venimmo
Voi veniste
Essi vennero
Io vidi (vedetti)
Tu vedesti
Egli vide (vedette)
Noi vedemmo
Voi vedeste
Essi videro (vederono, vedettero)
Compiti per lunedì
Sul quaderno di grammatica coniugare i verbi sbagliati sul test (hanno una stellina rossa) in tutte le persone del tempo. Es. se ho sbagliato di analizzare ho mangiato scriverò sul quaderno: passato prossimo ho mangiato, hai mangiato, ha mangiato, abbiamo mangiato, avete mangiato, hanno mangiato. Riconsegnare i test firmati,
Grazie Miss Maria
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Last week we started our history unit on Medieval times. The students have a text book called Medieval Realms which we will be using some of the time. We will be having short quizes every two weeks and I will put up the topics that they need to study. They are taking notes from my PPTs and they will also receive worksheets to help them study.
The spelling list last week was short but intense. It was made up of the accademic vocabulary that they will need to know for the history unit.
In connection with our Reading unit on Fantasy stories, we have just begun to write our own fantasy stories. We spent last week gathering "seeds" for our stories. We learned that the best fantasy stories are all based on reality. The students were encouraged to write about people they know well. We are also working on describing the main characters and creating a setting for our stories that is rich in detail. We have been making connections with the books we are reading and books we have read in the past. Next week we move on to writing plots!
Problem of the Day 63
The number of antique coins in Any's collection was 2/5 that of the number of coins in Bobby's collection. Then Bobby gave 1/2 of his collection to Andy. What is the new ratio of the number of antique coins that Andy has to the number of antique coins that Bobby has?
Math Test tomorrow!
Just a reminder that we have our chapter 7 ratio test tomorrow! I hope your points write to wrong will be 25:0!
Good luck!
Good luck!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Math Free Wednesday...well almost
We almost had a Math free Wednesday. This afternoon we worked on our projects in Technology using Scratch, that are due next week. Then we worked on two new chords: F and Bm. We can now play Sid the Squid in three keys!
Unfortunately our librarian Ms. Maria was absent and the other half of the class during our elective periods worked on ....Math!
Math test on Friday.
Math test on Friday.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Problem of the Day 62
A fruit seller had some apples and pears in the ratio 2:5. He sold 261 pears and bought 261 more apples. After that, he had as many apples as pears. How many apples did the fruit seller have at first?
Bacteria, Prostists and Fungi
In Reading we talked about a character's metaphoric "dragons". These are inner conflicts that a character has to battle as he/she progresses throughout the story. Can you identify the "dragon" in your characters life?
In Math we finished book A with our lesson on story problems!!! We will review now for the chapter 7 test on ratios and then a general review of book A. The Ratio test is Friday and the Review assessment is next Wednesday.
In Science we talked about bacteria, protists and fungi. Here are the links for those who need to finish the questions:
In Math we finished book A with our lesson on story problems!!! We will review now for the chapter 7 test on ratios and then a general review of book A. The Ratio test is Friday and the Review assessment is next Wednesday.
In Science we talked about bacteria, protists and fungi. Here are the links for those who need to finish the questions:
- Use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaW0tr0Keic for question 9.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Problem of the Day 61
There were some square tiles and triangular tiles in a box. The ratio of the number of square tiles to the number of triangular tiles was 3:8. After Paul put 79 square tiles into the box and removed 106 triangular tiles, the number of square tiles and the number of triangular tiles became equal. How many tiles were in the box at first?
Math tests coming up... and a NEW STUDENT!!
We have one last section in our first Math book... wow, time flies.
We will have a test on chapter 7 (Ratios) on Friday. Then we will have a general review of chapters 1 to 7 next week followed by a benchmark assessment for the half year mark.
Today we talked about ratios with 3 terms. We learned how to simplify them as well as find equivalent ratios.
In Reading we reviewed what we have learned so far in our fantasy unit with emphasis on how to share and write about what we are reading.
The most exciting news today was that we have a new boy in our class, Aleksandar(Ale). He comes from an international school in Milan and we are very excited about having him as a new addition to our class. Welcome Ale!
We will have a test on chapter 7 (Ratios) on Friday. Then we will have a general review of chapters 1 to 7 next week followed by a benchmark assessment for the half year mark.
Today we talked about ratios with 3 terms. We learned how to simplify them as well as find equivalent ratios.
In Reading we reviewed what we have learned so far in our fantasy unit with emphasis on how to share and write about what we are reading.
The most exciting news today was that we have a new boy in our class, Aleksandar(Ale). He comes from an international school in Milan and we are very excited about having him as a new addition to our class. Welcome Ale!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Problem of the Day 60
Chloe and Diane have some storybooks in the ratio 5:3. Chloe gives half of her books to Diane. Diane then has 18 books more than Chloe. How many books do they have altogether?
Double Math...double your troubles!
We started off the day in Reading looking at the use of multiple plot lines in complicated stories. This is especially true about fantasy books that often follow several characters on different plot lines. Mapping these out can help us understand when it gets difficult.
We had FOUR periods of Math today!! Wow. We used the morning to study how to solve ratio stroty problems and to rewrite ratios as fractions. We applied those skills in our Workbook (pages 217-226) in the afternoon. Enjoy a great weekend everybody!
We had FOUR periods of Math today!! Wow. We used the morning to study how to solve ratio stroty problems and to rewrite ratios as fractions. We applied those skills in our Workbook (pages 217-226) in the afternoon. Enjoy a great weekend everybody!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
writers workshop
As we dive into reading Fantasy Novels ,we are simultaneously learning to write Fantasy Stories. We have learned that all Fantasy should have a sound base in reality and with that thought in mind, we have started collecting ideas for writing our Fantasy Stories. We learned that we can look at our own lives to imagine how events, issues and problems could be turned into Fantasy stories.
This week we are collecting our ideas for our stories and next week we begin the writing adventure!
Problem of the day 59
Matthew and Ava have some money in the ratio 5:2. If Matthew gives €78 to Ava, they will have the same amount money. How much money do they have altogether?
Equivalent Ratios
In Math this morning we talked about equivalent ratios. We learned that, just like we did with fractions, we can simplify them by dividing by the GCF. We can also multiply and divide a number by both terms to make and equivalent ratio.
In Reading we discussed about how often in a fantasy novel, the character goes through a steep learning curve. They go from little knowledge to a lot of knowledge in a short period of time.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Problem of the Day 58
A basket contains red, blue and green ribbons. Of these ribbons, 1/3 are red. The ratio of the number of blue ribbons to the number of green ribbons is 2:5. There are 162 fewer blue ribbons than green ribbons. How many ribbons are in the basket?
Welcome Back!
Happy New Year to all!
We are back at school and ready for our new year with new units.
In Reading we started our unit on fantasy books. We discussed what fantasy books are and how we need to identify the setting to understand meaning in themes and character. We can use the blurb, the cover, the title and the description of the first chapters to identify this. We also split up into our new reading groups after our testing at the end of December. Great progress everyone!

In Math we also started a new chapter (7) on ratios. We discussed today what a ratio is and how to express them with numbers, models, and written statements. We will be talking about ratios for the next two weeks before we have our mid year test.

In Technology we started our first SCRATCH projects. We are writing a story and will have 2 weeks to work on them. Then we will talk about programming a simple game.
In Band we worked on new chords (E and B7).

We are back at school and ready for our new year with new units.
In Reading we started our unit on fantasy books. We discussed what fantasy books are and how we need to identify the setting to understand meaning in themes and character. We can use the blurb, the cover, the title and the description of the first chapters to identify this. We also split up into our new reading groups after our testing at the end of December. Great progress everyone!
In Math we also started a new chapter (7) on ratios. We discussed today what a ratio is and how to express them with numbers, models, and written statements. We will be talking about ratios for the next two weeks before we have our mid year test.
In Technology we started our first SCRATCH projects. We are writing a story and will have 2 weeks to work on them. Then we will talk about programming a simple game.
In Band we worked on new chords (E and B7).
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